Khoubziette Tam'r | Healthy Mini Date Breads

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

I like trying to find new ways to incoporate dates into our dialy meals. I've made date quickbreads, date milk, date smoothies, date pancakes, date milkshakes, Algerian date filled cookies called Maqrout, even a date sugar. But it seems there's endless ways to add dates into your diet. And why wouldn't you, there so healthy and not to mention Sunnah!

Several years ago, I posted about this lovely date bread after talking about over on Cusinetestee forum. Seeing as it's Ramadan, this little special bread finds it way back onto our suhour table. It's a really easy mix bread that packed with healthy ingredients like dates, honey, bran and sesame seeds. We love this bread on lazy weekends as an alternative to the usual brioche or crossiant. It's not too sweet or heavy. Appropriate for children, dieters and many diabetics alike (just adjust the sweetness level to your taste! Dates and honey are much healthier and digestable forms of sweet for the body! It works great for me, since as many of my friends know I am trying to get healthy and back into shape!

Healthy Mini Date Breads
active prep time: 15 mins | inactive prep time: 50-60 mins bake time: 30-45 mins 
20 beauitful mini loaves

    • 1 kg - 5 cups of whole wheat flour (depending on your flour you may need more)
    • 750g - 3 cups barley flour
    • 2 tablespoon of dry yeast
    • 60g - 4 TBS of  honey, or to taste
    • 60g - 4 tablespoon date molasses, or to taste
    • Large pinch cinnamon
    • 3 tablespoon orange blossom water
    • Enough warm water to make dough (for me about 250 ml - 1 cup)
    • Handful (or more) pitted and chopped dates
    • Bran   (for coating the bottom)
    • Handful of Nigella and sesame seeds (or more)
    • Sesame seeds (decor)
    • 1 Egg + little water for egg wash
    • Melted butter or oil (to coating the dough)
    1. Sift flour to remove and debris. Pour into a large mixing bowl.
    2. Form a well in the center of the bowl.
    3. Mix in the orange flower water, chopped dates, and molasses in the bowl.
    4. Gradually add enough warm water to form a paste
    5. Knead the dough for about 5-10m.
    6. Brush the dough with oil or melted butter
    7. Allow to rise covered with kitchen towel for 45 minutes
    8. Then knead the dough again.
    9. Divide the dough into 20 balls
    10. Now ,  flattened each ball into thindiscs
    11. Coat the bottom of the dough balls in his or semolina.
    12. Brush the top of the discs with egg wash, then sprinkle with sesame seeds
    13. Place on a parchment lined or greased baking sheet.
    14. Let rise, covered for 15 minutes.
    15. Then bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes until golden brown

    Serve with coffee, tea or even milk for breakfast, brunch or suhour.

    If you can not find molasses date, you can use carob molasses or black strap molasses. Or even make your syrup 250g dates dates by dipping in boiling 250 ml of water during the night. Then drain the date syrup in a cheesecloth.

    Bran here in North African is known by the French name 'le son' or in Derdja as 'ghemkh' It can be purchased by weight in most shoppes that sell flour and semolina by weight.

    Healthy, Breakfast, Suhour, Bread

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    1. I am glad that you have changed your mind Heni. It would be a pity to delete this beautiful blog. Your mini date bread sounds delicious. Reading the ingredients I was wondering about date molasses but thanks for giving substitutes. Have to remember to bring a bottle of carob molasses when I visit Cyprus next week.

    2. What a beautiful site and that date bread looks amazing. You might want to post it over on

    3. This is a fantastic bread! I am bookmarking this recipe; I love date stuffed anything especially bread or brioche. Looks and taste wonderful, and thank you so much Heni;
      So glad you decided to stick with it I love to visit your blog!

    4. ça doit être super bon !!!!
      merci pour ton vote
      nb : tu as le même prénom que ma soeur Hénia.
      bonne soirée

    5. Macha Allah il est super beau !

    6. Machallah sister! This is Heaven Bread! I love it, and thanks for the recipe. This sounds amazing and I have to try it since I'm a big fan of dates! Big hugs to you and I'm glad to see you again blogging. I hope you feel better now. Gros bisous ma soeur et prends soin de toi et continues a nous faire découvrir votre cuisine algérienne!

    7. Bonjour Hénia, j'aime beaucoup il me semble super léger !!! bisous et bonne journée

    8. Thanks for finally talking about > "Khoubziette Tam'r | Healthy Mini Date Breads" < Liked it!

      My site; nerd

    9. Not sure I can find barley flour,can I just use whole meal one instead?

    10. Not sure I can find barley flour,can I just use whole meal one instead?


    Did you make this? Or have a question about the recipe? Have some helpful feedback to share? Or just want to say hello? Leave comment love below :)
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