Naturally Sweetened Multi-Grain Apple Bread { WHEAT-FREE }

This apple bread recipe is just right - 100% Wheat-Free Whole Grain, naturally sweetened with apples, applesauce and a touch of honey. Prefect for any healthy kid's lunchbox or snack!

بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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There are certain times of the year when health and healthy eating come to my mind: January, when the new year starts, we all have resolutions of changing our bad habits into good ones; when summer starts and we find ourselves surrounded by all the colors of the rainbow and again in September when children go back to school. September, after a long summer, children are back hitting the books, learning their letters and numbers. It's the time they really need extra vitamins and mineral for their brains to aide learning. They really need BRAIN FOOD.

Nutrition and hydration are part of a foundation for healthy brain development. Our muscles, bones, lungs, liver, brain and secretions are made from the products we feed it. If we provide the factory with junk materials, the factory will not produce tough bones, strong muscles, good pump (heart) and clean pipes (vessels). By nourishing the brain with healthy food and water, you will optimize the internal factory that is our body.

And with more than half the world's children taking snack or lunch to school, it's quite important for them to have healthy and nourishing meals to fuel them throughout the day. But thinking up inspiring ideas can be a challenge. It's tempting to fall into the trap of using packaged and ready-made options. Although these seem like the easy answer, they tend to be high in fat, saturated fat, salt and sugar.

Since my children were little, I've tried instilling in them healthy habits when it came to food. We often discuss food, go shopping and cook together. And I make sure most, if not all our meals are eaten together. No distractions like TV, phone or computer allowed! I've found that eating meals together has helped me develop healthy attitudes toward food and eating. And even when my children went through their " picky food stages" I found when they were active in the meal process they were more likely to eat those foods they didn't want to try before. I've also adopted many of the habits of the French  of sitting down always for meals, not grazing and speaking openly about food.  

While my children all come home for lunch, like most Algerian children I do send snacks with them to eat at school. And I've been it's important for me that they continue these healthy habits outside our home too. While I often see children stopping off at corner shops buying a snack like chips, candy, chocolate, cookies or cakes. I myself prefer to pack them something myself that is healthy and avoid all the unhealthy temptations at these shops altogther.

So finally we come to the recipe of the day. An apple bread that's prefect for breakfasts, school snacks or for on-the-go. It's healthy, tasty and very moist without being laden with fat or sugar.  You won't have to feel guilty about giving this to your family. You can prepare double or triple recipes, slice, freeze then take out for packed lunches or random snacks. They can easily be made into sandwiches by spreading some almond butter or homemade Nutella. Or cut into dunkable sticks to serve along side applesauce or the nut butter of your choice

This quick bread is not overly sweet, just the right balance as it's naturally sweetened only with applesauce, apples and a touch of honey. It also uses the Sunnah food barley. It has versatile cereal grain with a rich nutlike flavor. Our Prophet Mohammed (عليه السلامadvised its consumption for the sick and grieving. Barley has 18 amino acids of which eight are the essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium antioxidants, glucan, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, folic acid and pantothenic acid. It also contains amylase, dextrin, phospholipids, maltose, glucose, sulfur, niacin and protein.

Please beware barley is not suitable to people with gluten sensitivities. To make this gluten-free replace the barley flour in this recipe for all oat flour, sorghum, buckwheat, teff  or amaranth flour.

To read more on brain foods for your children visit this site.
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{Naturally Sweetened Multi-Grain Apple Bread } 

 This apple bread recipe is just right - 100% Wheat-Free Whole Grain, naturally sweetened with applesauce and a touch of honey.



mixing bowl, spoon, parchment, loaf pan


  • 1 cup barley flour 
  • ¾ cup oat flour
  • 4 TBS flaxmeal
  • 1 cup organic unsweetened applesauce 
  • 2 small apple, grated (I used Granny Smith)
  • 120ml - ½ cup milk ( or unsweetened milk substitute)  ۞
  • 1 egg, beaten ۞
  • 2 TBS raw orange blossom honey
  • 2 TBS mild olive oil  ۞
  • 1½ tsp baking powder 
  • ½ tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon 
  • ½ tsp nutmeg ۞
  • ¼ ground ginger

  • oats
OPTIONAL ADD-INs: dried fruits such as raisins, dates 

    PREHEAT the oven to 180°C - 350°F. Line a loaf pan with parchment paper or grease. Set aside. 

    SIFT the dry ingredients: barly flour, oat flour, flaxmeal, spices and baking powder. Place them in a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the center and add in the wet ingredients: applesauce,  honey, milk, egg, vanilla and oil. Combine everything but don't over mix.

    POUR the mixture into the prepared loaf pan. Spread evenly through. Sprinkle oats on the top of the batter.

    BAKE for 20-25 minutes, or until a knife comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before serving.

    This quickbread keeps well on the countertop (if it lasts that long) for up to 5 days. Or in the freezer for up to 6 months. I slice the bread then wrap well in plastic wrap individually  for easy use. To use, simply thaw out on the countertop. smoothie, like most smoothie is meant to consumed fresh. But you can prepare it early on and take it with you for a quick meal on the go. It may seperate, so just shake or stir before drinking.

    You can easily substitue (melted) coconut oil, grapeseed or optionally almond oil here.

    This bread isn't meant to be overly sweet like many quickbread or muffins. If you find it's not sweet enough for you, optionally add an additional 2 TBS of honey. 

    You could make this vegan by using one flax-egg by mixing 1 TBS of flaxmeal and 3 warm water. Allow the mixture to sit for 5 minutes before using. 

    This recipe contains nutmeg, there is a difference of opinion on the use of nutmeg, when used in large quantities it has an effect on the body similar to the intoxicant hashish. Although it’s banned from being imported as a single spice ,into Saudia Arabia, it is permitted to be imported into Saudia Arabia when mixed with other spices in less than 20%. You use your own judgement with use of this spice.
    During the eighth conference of medical fiqh – “The Islamic View on Some Health Problems – Haraam and Impure Substances in Food and Medicine” – which was held in Kuwait between 22-24 Dhu’l-Hijjah 1415 AH (22-24 May 1995), Cheikh Dr. Wahbat al-Zuhayli said:

    “There is no reason why a small amount of nutmeg should not be used to improve the flavour of food, cakes and the like, but a large amount is haraam, because it is a narcotic.”



      ©  All recipes, content, and images, including any not yet watermarked, are copyright of THE TEAL TADJINE, unless noted otherwise. You are free to print recipes for personal use, but you may not republish (i.e., copy and paste) anything from this site at other blogs, websites, forums, Facebook pages, and other sites that are available to search engines, without prior written and specific permission. All rights reserved. 

      This bread goes brillantly with a glass of date milk


          What healthy snacks do you pack for your children?   

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          1. As-Salaamu Alaykum
            Jazaak Allahu Khair for sharing such a wealth of information! I had no idea Barley couldn't be eaten by those who had a gluten intolerance or allergy and yes i'm of the understanding nutmeg is only permissible if mixed with other spices and is hard to distinguish like in it's ground form plus cinnamon can be used as an alternative it goes soo well with apples and is good for reducing blood sugar i think i read somewhere.

          2. Nutmeg is haram if u buy it seperately as a spice but yes same understanding as u if you buy it with nutmeg already in it it's ok

          3. Thanks for sharing this! It looks delicious mashaAllah!


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