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FAQs Page

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If you've clicked on the FAQs page, you probably want to know more about the background stuff.

What's with the name?
A tadjine (also spelled tagine or tajine) pronounced  "tay - jean" (tæˈʒiːn) is a traditional North African clay pot with the peaked lid but also the slow-cooked fragant stew that is cooked in it. Almost every every evolved culture has a sort of clay containers in which to cook food slowly and directly in a wood fire. It connects us to our traditions, to the time of simplicity and to our hunter-gatherer past. And the color teal symbolizes happiness, intuition, tranquility,  connection, creavity, self-reliance, generousity, love and balance. It's a beautiful yet classic color palette for the Mediterranean, specifically , Algeria, Tunisia and Greece. With these two elements combined the The Teal Tadjine was born.

Why do you blog?
I'm all about passion. I love doing what I'm passionate about - good food, family, history, traveling, traditions, sharing and meeting new friends!

What can we find on your blog?
This blog is about simple food from my table ... in Algeria ... near the Mediterranean sea. Nothing fancy or prentenious ... sometimes beautiful and creative but sometimes quite plain, homey and maybe even truly ugly yet delicious food ... it's what I cook for my family that I present on my blog ... from my our hands to the table and into my family's mouth God willing. Sometimes you will find photos or tidbits about Algerian, its traditions and cultural insight behind the food,  Algeria, North Africa, the Mediterranean, the religion Islam, culinary family life and traditions. I also sometimes offer insight/resources for living and visiting Algeria and expat life. You will find (mostly) Algerian recipes according to how I, no we prepare them.  I am married to an Algerian and live in Algeria but I am not Algerian myself. So you will also find recipes from the  region of the world which I am from - Eastern Europe, the Baklans and Turkey. And finally other recipes from around the world that I love. Simple and easy to prepare dishes that require no advanced techniques or fancy gadgets - traditional, modern and even my fusion dishes with ingredients abundantly found in Algeria and the Mediterranean.I mostly write about cooking, but there is mix of topics I randomly throw in; from ways I reinvent traditional North African cooking, And much more ...

Where do you get your recipes and ideas?
All the recipes featured on my blog are 100% mine, unless otherwise stated in each post. Inspiration for "my food" comes from my Hungarian background, places I've lived or visited and finally, Algeria the place I call home. Any recipes I've used from other authors I  source 100% and honor the Food Blogger rules as outlined here.

Where do you get your photos? 
 I cook all the food myself, sometimes my children help. We do all the  plating and photo taking. Everything is wholly authentic - no fake steam or plastic food here. All pictures are snapped while the food is still hot, while my family is literally waiting to eat it. :pI don't have a  fancy camera. I use my Condor mobile phone (that has a cracked screen :p) I don't have many gadgets or setups here. I don't have special dishes or props. Just me us, the food, table near the window in my kitchen and some items I find laying around my house.

I have a question about a recipe?
 All recipes featured on this site were develeoped by me, through what I have learned from others and trail n' error. ALL  recipes that I've adapted or found inspiration from are clearly mentioned and sourced. I take great care is clearly explaining ingredients and accurating  Also I try to give subsitutions so the recipes are accessible for any cook worldwide. Special diets are addressed in the Kitchen Tips.  If you have any questions about the recipes, please feel free to contact me.  

Are you Pinterest Friendly?
Pinterest Friendly - Yes you can pin my photos!

While all content is the property of N.H. El Ghoul of The Teal Tadjine you may PIN anything photo or recipe on my page as long as you link my site and the orginal post. Please give credit where credit is due ✊

Can I use your content on my website/blog?
Please do not redistribute my pictures or recipes without linking this site and/or my permission.

If you would like to share something you've enjoyed on The Teal Tadjine  on your website, may use one picture and/or selection of text placed in quotation marks, credited and linked to the site.

I work hard to create this blog. Please don't steal my work!

Do you get paid for blogging?
I blog for nothing but  to share and earn the pleasure and reward of my Creator, with the intention to share what blessings and knowledge I have with people around the world. I earn no money or fame from this blog. But that may change in the future Allahu allam.  I do not advertise products, other sites or people unless I feel they are worth sharing. 

Will you review my product/book/site? 
While this is a 100% independent blog. Not sponsored by anyone.  If I mention a brand, ingredient or product it's because I think it's worth recommending to my readers. And I write a recipe or article  published outside my site, I always mention it.

I have done recipe development, writing (food writing, travel writing, short stories and poetry) guest posts, food events and product reviews. And am willing to accept invitations to launches, lunches, cooking contests and other related events if they are revelant. If you have a brand promotion/ambassadorship and/or sponsored posts to pitch send me your idea, I might just consider it. 

If you are interested in working with me, or pitching a product for review, please contact me. 

Do you do guest posting?
I welcome guest posts by bloggers and writers from around the world  who can provide a specific and continually engaging perspective on traditional & healthy eating, Algeria, the Mediterranean, North Africa, Muslim world, family traditions, easy recipes and enjoying a flexitarian and Sunnah-based diet. Email me with  your idea.  And if you'd like me to be a guest author on your site, feel free to contact me with your ideas.

Where has your work been featured or mentioned?

What's your comment policy? 
I welcome all kinds of thoughts — supportive, dissenting or otherwise critical. But please note,  I reserve the right to remove comments that are mega nasty. Any comments left on this site MUST be polite at all times. I do moderate every comment Any spam, rude, racists or outright offensive comments will be deleted. If you choose to disagree with me, please feel free to do so. Just please do it with respect and kindness. Open attacks on myself, my readers, Algeria or Islam will not be tolerated.

This is a positive place, please help me keep it that way.

 Thanks for reading! 

Connect me via facebook or email!

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Please note:
I do my best to respond particularly on recipes, but don’t have the ability to respond to every comment straight away. If you have an urgent question or comment, please contact me via email or Facebook. Please do not include links not pertinent to the discussion.

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