Our family gatherings never seem complete without this traditional salad . What makes it different from the usual potato salad is the addition of all the colourful vegetables.
بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed, join in on the conversation on the social network Facebook, or even pin along with me on Pinterest. get inspired at the Recipe Index, or see what we're up on today on Instagram.This delicious and refreshing salad of finely cubed cooked vegetables that's delightfully mixed with a creamy sauce. It's usually served hot or cold alongside meats.
Here in Algeria, we like to serve it during the summer and also during Ramadan, as it's easily portable and the longer it sits better the taste.
➜ To note, Salad Macédoine was brought over by the Pied Noir French to Algeria. Macédoine or Macedonia in English is a country near Greece that was formed from smaller states conquered by Alexander the Great and united together. During the 19th century when this salad was brought over, the country was a colourful mix of different peoples from different regions, hence the salad being so small and colourful was given this name.

In Algeria, this salad is often made with cooked rice as well instead of the potatoes.
I did have corn I wanted to use up, so I added that instead. You can omit if you like. In Hungary, we often made this salad using dill not parsley and add cold cuts. I purposely left a wide range for mayonnaise. If you like a drier salad, use less. If you like a more "wet" salad use more mayo or add a little pickle juice to loosen it up.
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➤This sandwich goes with a cold glass of homemade Orangina or this watermelon cooler, a plate of H'miss on the bread, possibly some crudité and of course some Algerian olives to munch on.
➤Or get inspired at the Recipe Index.
have you algerian-zed one of your favourite international dishes?

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