Prophetic beverage to detox and replenish faster's body.
بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِارَّحْمَنِ ارَّحِيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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As we get further into the month of Ramadan, our stomachs start to shrink and we usually consume less during suhour and iftar. One of the complaints Muslim fasters and those who practice intermittent fasting in general is the acidity coming up from the stomach. To combat this, we turn to a Prophetic medicinal beverage called 'Nabeez'.
Nabeez [ also called Nabidh or Nabedh] was one of the drinks consumed by our Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). In his time, it was typically made with dates, raisins or dried figs and water. The fruit were never mixed. They were always soaked separately.
Nabeez is an alkalizing tonic, that has the tendency to detoxify, remove acidity from the stomach and digestive system and it also helps to remove other metabolic wastes from the body. It improves digestion as it’s high in soluble fibre and it strengthens the memory. It assists the spleen function, liver, throat, chest and prostate, and so is particularly good for men. Nabeez will also benefit patients of Arthritis and elevated levels of Uric Acid (gout).
Making Nabeez is just as simple as soaking the dates (or raisins, sultanas or dried figs) overnight and drinking the water in which they were soaked in the morning.
The idea behind soaking dates or raisins in water is so that they sweeten the water and become softened. Softened dates, raisins or figs release their vitamins and minerals more easily and are easier to digest.
"And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates."
( Quran 19:25)
My preferred way to make Nabeez is using dates. It's the same basic method as my Saharan date milk, but with water. Dates contain Fibre, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium and Vitamin B6. All which are needed vitamins and minerals during Ramadan when your body goes vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Dates also promote Digestive Health, Help to relieve constipation thanks to the fiber content, boost heart health, are an anti-inflammatory, reduces blood pressure, help boost iron levels, help to reduce blood pressure, promote respiratory health and helps to prevent colon cancer. So it always makes sense to consume dates!
Figs, another Sunnah food are also recommended to use to make Nabeez. Fresh or dried, figs have been used in traditional medicine to relieve toothaches, treat digestive problems, as a natural laxative, get rid of toxins, improve canker sores and even strengthen the nails. Figs are one of the foods with the most alkaline pH, and therefore they balance the acidic conditions resulting from consuming a diet rich in meat and processed foods. They're recommended for people who suffer from iron deficiency (anemia), digestive problems, constipation, osteoporosis, dry cough, asthma, sore throat, hypertension, diabetes and heart issues related to high levels of triglycerides.
Using raisins or sultanas is also great since raisin water can detoxify and help along certain biochemical processes in the liver pushing toxins out. And machAllah it works within 4 days!

For this recipe, I'm using local Algerian Deglet Nour dates. At the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) they were said to have used the Ajwa variety.
Consuming Nabeez is great for both Suhour and Iftar, but enchAllah wonderful to have in your Sunnah Kitchen all year round.
At night right after Icha or Tarawee prayer, I soak 7dates per 250ml glass of water OR for my whole family about 1 cup (I use a coffee mug as the measure) of dates + 1 liter of mineral or spring water and keep the utensil covered with a plate. Ensure the water is kept cool. If you're preparing this for iftar, just soak in the water and consumer at iftar.
Nabeez should not be soaked for longer than 12 hours, otherwise, it will start to ferment. Once strained, it can keep in the fridge for up to 3days. It won't spoil, it'll become enchAllag more sweeter in the refrigerator after 24 hours. You could use your blender (water + soaked fruit) to obtain a beautifully cloudy Nabeez.
Nabeez should be strained within 12 hours of soaking time, but if strained then stored in airtight inside the refrigerator, it will good for 2-3 days Ench'Allah. Serve cold Nabeez to your guests; instead of tea, coffee, juices & sodas and tell them the beauty of reviving the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).
This Nabeez can also be used as a base or sweetener for smoothies, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, coffee and many many more. In the future, I'll post another variation of Nabeez which keeps for longer period of time ench'Allah.
This Nabeez can also be used as a base or sweetener for smoothies, pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, coffee and many many more. In the future, I'll post another variation of Nabeez which keeps for longer period of time ench'Allah.
For an indiviual glass:
‣ 7 ripes dates
‣ 250ml - 1 cup spring or mineral water
For a pitcher:‣ 200g - 1 cup ripe dates
‣ 1 liter - 1qt spring or mineral water
‣ ice (optional)
‣ 7 ripes dates
‣ 250ml - 1 cup spring or mineral water
For a pitcher:‣ 200g - 1 cup ripe dates
‣ 1 liter - 1qt spring or mineral water
‣ ice (optional)
1. Pit the dates and place in a cleaned sterilized large glass or pitcher.
2. Add the water and cover. Allow to soak for a minimum of 6 hours, up to 12 hours.
3. Strain out the dates. You can consume the dates or use in other recipes. Chill before serving your guests; instead of tea, coffee, juices & sodas and tell them the beauty of Sunnah.
⇝ Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days Encha'Allah.
⇝ You could blend the dates and water in a blender to make an emulsified beverage.
⇝ You can replace the dates with raisins or dried figs instead. It's important to not mix the fruits.
⇝ If you don't have whole fresh dates, you can subsitute packed baking dates. About 1/2 TBS per glass (or to taste).
1. Pit the dates and place in a cleaned sterilized large glass or pitcher.
2. Add the water and cover. Allow to soak for a minimum of 6 hours, up to 12 hours.
3. Strain out the dates. You can consume the dates or use in other recipes. Chill before serving your guests; instead of tea, coffee, juices & sodas and tell them the beauty of Sunnah.
⇝ Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days Encha'Allah.
⇝ You could blend the dates and water in a blender to make an emulsified beverage.
⇝ You can replace the dates with raisins or dried figs instead. It's important to not mix the fruits.
⇝ Nabeez should be consumed within 12 hours of soaking time, but if it is kept air tight inside the refrigerator, it will not spoil for 2-3 days Encha'Allah.
⇝ You could blend the dates and water in a blender to make an emulsified beverage.
⇝ You can replace the dates with raisins or dried figs instead. It's important to not mix the fruits.
⇝ If you don't have whole fresh dates, you can subsitute packed baking dates. About 1/2 TBS per glass (or to taste).
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